Friday, August 28, 2009

little lady is eight months old

well, i'm jumping the gun a little- but i say better earlier then late.. so here it is!
daphne @ 8 months.

it's true we can say that daphne is getting more fun with every month- but it would be a lie if we said parenting was getting easier as she has gotten older. (i'm sure mothers with teenagers are laughing at me right now) she just gets into EVERYTHING! we cleaned our house and tried to make everything daph-proof but it's still not.
@ eight months she loves to:

EAT! finallllly! I can say our baby is getting to know and like food! She doesn't act like everything she tastes is a pickle anymore- it's great! she has been eating oatmeal, garden vegetables and one day she devoured 1/2 can of her gerber cheese puffs.
(she also still loves to eat binkies. and sideways binks taste the best)

pull herself up to everything. about a week after she started crawling, she was done with it. well, she still crawls, obviously- but only to get to furniture or walls she can climb. yes, she climbs walls. it doesn't turn out very well, but still- she tries it. we had to move our beloved record player/coffee table into another room because even with the ugly corner protectors, she still fell and hit her head on it like 17 times each day. Now we just have the white ottoman and she can move between the ottoman and the couch. it's adorable.
standing is so fun!

her johnny-jumper. she responds with a few bounces when we tell her to JUMP! it's cute.

sign language. we LOVE the baby einstein sign video. it buys us a lot of time :) plus daphne is starting to pick it up. she can say mommy and daddy with signs (she did it consistently for about 2 weeks and now she's stopped- we hope she does it again! we love it.) and she now signs "milk" to us when she's hungry for a bottle. even though its just a little thing- we love being able to communicate with her a bit better. she also waves hi and goodbye. the other day on our walk she waved hi to all the cars as they drove past, i about died.

going on walks. she stands up in her stroller holding onto the front bar for the entire time. she acts like she is leading the way- so funny
(this has nothing to do with walks, just a random image of a cute outfit :)

no teeth yet (though she's been waking up once during the night which we like to blame on teething) but we'll see about next month...

i think she weighs about 17.5 pounds, 27 inches tall.

we LOVE you daphne!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 glorious months!

I can't believe little daphne is 7 months old. what a little lady.
I also can't believe I still have around 7 pounds to loose of baby weight and how much cuter daph's baby fat looks on her than it does on me. oh well, that's a whole other (long.. depressing...) post.

So daphne is just adorable, if we do say so ourselves. She is so fun and entertaining. i never knew she would be this cool.

@ 7 months here's the update:

daphne is a crawling machine. she's moved on from the army crawl almost completely and can motor around on her hands and knees any place she pleases. she used to only stay in one room but then figured out that if i'm in the kitchen and she is in the family room, she can come and see me! its really fun to see her little body slink around the corner.

she is a babbler. she likes to say dadda but mostly (sorry...) it's momma. we've been teaching her sign language too. only a few words right now but it's obvious that persistance helps. I do the "mom" sign whenever i say mom, momma, mommy ect. and she is catching on! when she signs it back to me i freak out. it's cute.

she loves to wave hi. she can also combine hi and the mom sign for a nice friendly greeting to me. its so cute. waving goodbye hasn't caught on so much, goodbyes are just sad- even daphne knows that.

she still hates food. my mom was determined that she would be eating baby food by the time we left colorado. she tried several times (and has SO much more patience than i do!) but, to no avail. this girl gags and makes a scene over just about everything (fruit, vegetables, juice, icecream ect). everything but these gerber puffs that are mild cheddar flavor. that's right, our baby eat cheetos and practically nothing else (but lots of milk)

she loves to laugh this really cheesy laugh and smiles practically all the time. we're lucky she is such a happy baby- her happiness is contagious.

peek-a-boo is her favorite game. if she is sad and crying, a game of peek-a-boo will change it all.

we love our little daphne.