Thursday, January 15, 2009


I really need to update this blog or it will not be a very complete history...
the last 13 days since you joined us have been incredible. I really feel like we are in the routine and parenting is coming naturally to us. I can't believe what a good baby you are. Your one problem is nursing. When you were 3 days old you went to the doctor for a check up on your jaundice and you had lost a pound a half. i felt SO guilty and horrible that me feeding hadn't been enough and we didn't even know it! So we had to start feeding you with a bottle and since then, you won't nurse. It is sad but at least now you are growing which I am so happy about. You sleep all the time. ALL THE TIME. at least 20 hours a day, sometimes more. You rarely cry. You are a nightowl. You are adorable. Everyone that meets you falls instantly in love. Seriously. For example, a bride we are working with emailed us to say she was going to send you a present! You have this effect on people- i don't know how we produced something this adorable. right now, you are sitting in your swing in between your dad and me as we work/blog. you are all scrunched up and look so cute. It has been so much fun so far to be your parents- we can't wait for all the fun the three of us will have together. you're the best. <3

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