Friday, March 20, 2009

you're really growing up...

to be such a freaking joy to be around.
we just got back from a 2-week long trip to colorado. First we stopped in Utah so you could meet your uncle Christian and aunt Errin. Then we drove 8 more hours and arrived at Nana and Papa's house. You were such a doll the whole trip. You barely cried in the car and I couldn't even sit in the back with you because of all the stuff we had to bring, but you were so good and hardly made a peep. At my parent's house they fell even more in love with you. Everyone was amazed at what a good baby you are. You are doing great sleeping either through the night or only waking up once which is awesome. We took you to the pool for the first time and you really liked to swim. I'm sure we'll go a ton this summer. You also went on your first walk and got to hang out with your cousins: sid, calvin, josie, jon, cally, casey, annabelle, tommy and mia. Everyone thought you were the cutest. Its so easy to fall in love with you- i'm so glad you're mine. <3 mom

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